AUTOMATIC WATER FILTERS Full-featured filters with advanced F2TC time clock control. Featuring GE Autotrol 263 Performa Series Valve
and Logix Time Clock Control. Available in Ag, NextSand Filters filters with several multi-media and specialty carbon options.
AUTOMATIC FILTER Details & Description
Product Spec
AUTOMATIC WATER FILTERS installation can be taken place without any special training and trouble. The system comprises a control valve at the top, media tank, chemical pump, chemical tank, and the chemical solution. Activated carbon is usually used as the media for these filters. The filters are for removing any chemical mixture used for disinfection. Once the unconditioned water flow enters the resin bed, the control valve will be reversed, directed down the riser, up through the resin bed, and sent to drain. The bed is expanded, and waste is flushed away; this was the first faze. The next step is the regeneration draw where the regenerant is drawn from the regenerant tank. After a Slow Rinse, Repressurization, and passing through the backwash, Regenerant Refill happens at last faze.
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Water softening
Water softeners are mainly responsible for removing ions by exchanging them with softer ions like sodium and potassium. Calcium and magnesium are the substances that are often referred to as hardness minerals. They collect these hardness materials into their tanks and flush them away from time to time.
Advanced Diagnostic Tracking
Advanced Diagnostic Tracking
Water quality tracking is part of the softener utility system. Every improvement applied to water quality will be tracked, and diagnosis will be shown to the user. Monitoring water status is considered as a fundamental tool l in the management of freshwater resources.
Trouble-free installation
Every unit is equipped with all necessary hardware, which benefits from easy wall-mount installation clips. The installation manual accessible to the users provides step by step guide through the process of installation.
Dechlorination of The Water Supply
They are designed to remove chlorine, chemicals and other chemical mixtures used for disinfection from the water automatically, which are harmful to health in food service, RO pre-treatment and whole-house filtration.