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From here, you can see the requirement of your shipment. Place your order, then complete the exact address of your location and your personal information, where you would receive your shipment. We deliver the shipment to your hands as soon as possible. If you wish to return the product for any reason uncomfortable, explain the situation in the shipment returning section.
Product Key Applications
Water softening
Mineral tanks Container is the place that the softening process is actually happening. Water softeners are mainly responsible for removing ions by exchanging them with softer ions like sodium and potassium. Calcium and magnesium are the substances that are often referred to as hardness minerals.
Safe Storage
Safe Storage
Tanks are made of various materials with high-quality standards for the safe storage of fluid. They are used as the primary non-cartridges-based water softeners filled with several cubic feet of permeable plastic polystyrene resin beads. The reliable design made it possible for the years of working as the first day.
Trouble-free installation
Every unit is equipped with all necessary hardware, which benefits from easy wall-mount installation clips. The installation manual accessible to the users provides step by step guide through the process of installation.
Upflow Performance
Upflow performance brings more efficiency to the softening procedure. This efficiency is sensible in the use of salt and wastewater. A resin bed regenerated in an up-flow design will produce water lower in ion leakage longer into the service run.